Just do one thing: Stop talking to yourself. Another self will start to sing. You will see that so many songs are inside of you, waiting to be born. from: DERVISH TRAINING 9 – The One Step Journey, Webinar with Sheikh Burhanuddin, Sunday 23 May
Archivi Mensili: Maggio 2021
⇒ YOUTUBE CHANNEL a new Video every Monday: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_XcrX6V51ebwAol9_zHfEQ ⇒ TELEGRAM CHANNEL with updates in real time: SUFIWAY – S. BURHANUDDIN https://t.me/SufiwaySBurhanuddin ******* DERVISH TRAINING 10 – Feel the Beat ! – Webinar with Sheikh Burhanuddin Sunday 6 June 7.00-8.30 p.m. (CET) Drum sound rises on the air, its throb, my heart. […]
The first thing we have to do is to embrace all the pains in our lives. This is the only way to deal with them. Because when you embrace the pain, there is no limit any more. This is what your arms are for. In everyone’s arms fits another human […]
⇒ YOUTUBE CHANNEL a new Video every Monday: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_XcrX6V51ebwAol9_zHfEQ ⇒ TELEGRAM CHANNEL with updates in real time: SUFIWAY – S. BURHANUDDIN https://t.me/SufiwaySBurhanuddin ******* DERVISH TRAINING 9 – The One Step Journey – Webinar with Sheikh Burhanuddin Sunday 23 May 7.00-8.30 p.m. (CET) This is love: to fly toward a secret sky, to […]
SUMMER SUFI MASTER COURSE – dal vivo – con Sheikh Burhanuddin 9-10-11 Luglio 2021 Imperia (Porto Maurizio) This is the Circle of Love. Whether you’ve failed, whether you have fallen, whenever you see darkness, come and join and we’ll sing. Every day is your Birth-day. Be a new born baby, […]
Online-Seminar auf DEUTSCH Nr. 1 – Die Neue Serie auf Deutsch – mit Sheikh Burhanuddin Herrmann Sonntag 16 Mai 2021 17:30-19:00 Uhr Wenn Ihr Euch in der Deutschen Mailing-Liste anmelden wollt, um Informationen über die Online-Treffen auf Deutsch (und Live-Seminare in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz) zu erhalten, dann schreibt […]
Try an experiment: next time you meet a person, whoever, the baker or anyone, expect something, some wisdom, something beautiful to come out of him for you. Try it out, you will have a magic experience. From: Sheikh Burhanuddin, Webinar DERVISH TRAINING 8, Ramadan Special Edition 3, 9th May
According to the solar calendar: 7th May 2014 Lunar Calendar: 7th Rajab 2014 (Friday 19 February 2021) Anniversary of the Urs (‘marriage with the Divine’), the passing of Maulana Sheikh Nazim Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatu-Allahu wa barakatuhu My deep condolences to every one, to everything, to all Mawlana’s honored and […]