Nomi Divini “MEET YOUR DESTINY….Il piano di volo”. 24 Novembre 2019, Rimini di Editore S|Pubblicato 8 Novembre 2019
Pubblicato 6 Giugno 2021 Non sei solo! (completo!) WEBINAR, 6 Giugno 2021 (THE FULL!) WEBINAR: DERVISH TRAINING 10 – YOU ARE NOT ALONE! Sheikh Burhanuddin, 6th June 2021
Pubblicato 3 Luglio 2014 8. YA AZIZ Al-Aziz The Exalted in Might Exalted and Glorious Then know that Allah is All-Mighty, All-Wise. (2:209) Truly Allah is All-Mighty, All-Wise. (2:220) […]
Pubblicato 11 Dicembre 2014 32. YA HALIM Al-Halim The Clement Exalted and Glorious Allah will not call you to account for that which is unintentional in your oaths, but […]
Pubblicato 18 Ottobre 2020 80. YA TAWWAB At Tawwab At-Tawwab The Acceptor of Repentance Exalted and Glorious So turn (in repentance) to your Creator, and kill yourselves (kill […]