Muharram e Ashura

I 19 o 20 Agosto 2020 dopo il tramonto dovrebbe iniziare il sacro mese di Muharram, e quindi l’anno nuovo del calendario islamico, l’anno Hijiri 1440. E’ un mese molto importante, nel quale si possono presentare grandi aperture e tutte le decisioni luminose prese in questo periodo avranno successo, a Dio piacendo.
E’ importante digiunare durante questo mese, se possibile l’ultimo giorno del mese precedente Dhul Hijjah , il 1° di Muharram , poi il 10° che corrisponde ad Ashura* (vedi sotto), e ancora meglio 8°,9°,10° oppure 9°,10° e 11°.
Se si digiuna anche solo due giorni si riceveranno le ricompense equivalenti ad un anno di digiuno.
L’importante è non lasciar passare il mese di Muharram senza aver digiunato almeno un giorno.
Il 14° di Muharram celebriamo la nascita del nostro fondatore Shah Bahauddin Naqshband, che Allah santifichi il suo segreto.
Sadaqa: Il Profeta, saws, disse che in questi giorni sacri si raccomanda di fare carità, donazioni, in qualsiasi momento.

Pratica quotidiana per il mese di Muharram:
40 x Salatut Tunjina **(vedi sotto)
100 x Rabbun Allah Hasbun Allah
100 x Bismillah er Rahman er Rahim
100 or 1.000 x Ikhlas
100-1000 x Salawat

E’ importante anche concentrarsi in modo particolare sulle preghiere quotidiane.

Ashuraa will be celebrated inshaAllah on the 20th of September 2018 (Muharram 10th).
Fasting in the month of Muharram is highly desired, especially on the tenth day, Aashuraa. The Messenger of Allah (saws) has been reported as saying when asked which prayer is better after obligatory prayer: “Prayer in the middle of the night.” He was asked again which fast is better after Ramadan. He said: “In the month that is called Al-Muharram.” (Ahmed, Muslim, and Abu Dawud) This Hadith clearly indicates the importance of voluntary fasting in Muharram, among all the months. The Prophet (saws) however, emphasizes the fast of the tenth day, Aashuraa. The word “Aashuraa” is derived from Ashara, which means ten. The observation of this day goes back to Prophet Musa Bin Emran (saws). In a Hadith related by Ibn Abbas (May Allah be pleased with him) “when the Messenger of Allah (saws) came to Madinah, he found the Jews fasting the day of Aashuraa. He inquired why they did so. They replied that it was a good day, the day which Allah delivered Prophet Musa (saws) and the children of Israel from their enemy. As gratitude Musa (saws) fasted that day. The Prophet (saws) responded:’I have more right to Musa than you.’ He fasted the day and commanded the believers to fast.” (Bukhari and Muslim)This Hadith indicates that the Prophet (saws) was in complete agreement with Prophet Musa (saws) as well as the other prophets. The point here is that the Messenger of Allah would always do an act of worship if it was prophecy reported from any of the prophets. Earlier, we see how he told us that the best voluntary fast is the fast of Dawud. This is why the following Hadith is of great interest to us. Ibn Abbas related when Prophet Muhammad (saws) observed the day of Aashuraa and commanded his followers to observe it, they asked him: “O Messenger of Allah (saws) this is the day the Jews, and Christians respect and honor… The Prophet (saws) promised them that ‘Next year Allah willing, we shall fast the ninth, tasuu’aa, along with the tenth.’ By the next Muharram, the Prophet (saws) had already passed away. Because the believers, desire to emulate Prophet Musa in fasting on Aashuraa do so with the desire not to participate in the festivity of the People of the Book, who have reduced the day to a mere formality. The Prophet (saws) decided to remove this ambiguity with the fast of the ninth day.”Muslim scholars, analyzing all reports from the Prophet (saws) regarding Muharram, stated the fast of Muharram can be viewed in three ways:1. Fasting three days of Muharram, the ninth, tenth and eleventh. 2. Fasting on the ninth and tenth days because of two previous Hadiths.3. Fasting on the tenth day alone.Of much interest to us Muslims these days should be the fasting of the 9th and the 10th of Muharram. The Prophet (saws) said about the voluntary fasting on the Day of Aashuraa: “It expiates the sins of the preceding year.” (Muslim)”The day of Aashuraa was the day when Musa and his men got freedom from the hands of the Pharaoh and it was in the sacred memory of this great event that the Muslims observed voluntary fasting. The idea underlying this is to stress the affinity amongst the messengers of Allah and to show that religious devotion is a constant flow from one generation to another. The Prophet (saws) came not to abrogate all the earlier religious practices but to codify and preserve them for all times to come in ideal forms.

* Ashura:
Preghiera per il Giorno di Ashura, va eseguita tra Zuhur e Asr:
4 rakaat e in ognuno recitare:
1 Surat ul Fatiha
11 Suratuk Ikhlas ( or 50)

*Pratica del Giorno di Ashura:
1000 Laa ilaha illallah
1000 Salawat
1000 Suratul Ikhlas

Il 10 di Muharram, Ashura, è una data molto importante. Ciò che accade in questo giorno ci mostrerà quello che accadrà ad ognuno di noi nell’anno a venire. Perciò in questo periodo è bene fare qualcosa nella direzione giusta.
The importance of the day of `Ashura, the tenth of Muharram, that the Prophet (s.a.w.s.) has mentioned.
When he reached al-Madinat al-munawwara – at that time it was called Yathrib or Taiyyaba – and entered, and established his place he found the Jews fasting the tenth of Muharram. And he asked, “Why are they fasting on that day?” They said, “Because on that day Allah saved Musa from Pharoah.” And the Prophet (s) fasted that day and ordered the Muslims to fast that day.And Muslim narrated in one of the hadith of `Ashura, “`an abi qatadata an rasulullahi saama yawma `Ashura… kaffaaratan lis saanat almaadiya.” Abu Qatada (r.a.) reports that the Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said that whoever fasts that day, will be forgiven all the sins of the previous year.Imam Abu Hanifa said, Kaana waajiban fee awwali dhuhur al-Islam – “that day was an obligatory fast in the beginning of Islam.” Imam Shafi`i said, “It is a Sunnah to fast it but not obligatory.” Imam Abu Hanifa says that it was an obligation to fast this day in the first decade of Islam.But it is important to remember that Allah will waive one year’s sins you have committed. This is a mercy that Allah sent to us, by means of wa ma arsalnaaka illa rahmatan lil-`alameen – We sent thee not, but as a Mercy for all creatures. [21:107] By following what the Prophet (s.a.w.s.) did, they are forgiven their sins.Ibn `abbas (r) the greatest mufassir of Qur’an, said that the Prophet (s.a.w.s.) fasted the day of `Ashura [because of its importance] and he ordered the people to fast it. [Bukhari and Muslim] He ordered the Sahaba to fast that day. That is its importance – to waive one year’s sins.Abi Sa`eed al-Khudri (r.a.) related that the Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said, “Whoever fasts the day of `Arafah Allah will waive the preceding year’s sins and the following year’s sins.”That is more than `Ashura. That means he will be waived the sins of the future, meaning he will be protected from sinning. And whoever fasts `Ashura, Allah will forgive the preceding year’s sins.On that day, Allah gave honor to many prophets, upon whom be peace. Allah has chosen Adam (a.s.) to be father to human beings on that day. He raised Idris (a.s.) to heaven on that day. He saved Sayyidina Nuh (a.s.) with people in his ship on that day. He saved Sayyidina Ibrahim (a.s.) on that day. He forgave Sayyidina Dawud (a.s.) on that day. He returned Sulayman’s (a.s.) kingdom to him on that day. He relieved Ayyub (a.s.) [of his afflictions] on that day. He raised Sayyidina `Isa (a.s.) [to heaven] on that day. And on that day your messenger, the Seal of messengers whom Allah has chosen, on that day, Allah made Sayyidina Muhammad (s.a.w.s.) to marry Sayyidata Khadijah (r.a.) and He made him to migrate to Madinah on that day. And He created heavens and earth on that day and He created the Pen (al-Qalam) on that day. And that was a Friday – not a Saturday or Sunday.That is a very important day in Islamic calendar. It is mentioned in many Islamic traditions that `Ashura means the one who respects and honors that day on which Allah saved all anbiya from the abuse of their communities Allah will lift to a lightened life. It means `asha nura – to live a ‘lightened day.’ They took the nun out to connect the two words.Al-Hamadani – one of the greatest muhaddiths – related that when Allah ordered Nuh (a.s.) to build his ship, he built it from 124,000 planks. And we know in Islamic tradition in the tafsir of Ibn `Abbas regarding Surat al-`Araf, that Allah sent 124,000 prophets, and among them were 313 messengers. When Sayyidina Nuh (Noah) (a.s.) began to put each plank in place, the names of the prophets appeared on them. When he reached one before the last plank, number 123,999 the name of Sayyidina Muhammad (s.a.w.s.) appeared on plank 124,000. Then Nuh (a.s.) knew that he was the last Prophet (s.a.w.s.). He then needed four more planks to complete the ship. As soon as he put these, the names of the four rightly-guided caliphs appeared on those planks. Allah said to him, “For the sake of Muhammad I am saving the ship.”Thus Sayyidina al-Hamadani said, “For Allahs’ love of them, He put their names on that ship.” Whoever loves the Prophet (s.a.w.s.) and his companions, Allah will love them.May Allah give us the baraka to fast on `Ashura.I would like to bring to your attention the verse: Ati`ullah wa ati`ur-rasul, wa ulil amri minkum.- Obey Allah, obey the Prophet and those in authority among you.[4:159]The Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said, “In Last Days chunks of darkness will come on my Ummah. At that time the one sitting is better than the one who is walking and the one who is walking is better than the one who is riding…”If you have a problem sit at home. If we involve ourselves we will harm ourselves. Sit by yourself, read Qur’an and hadith and go to your work. Don’t involve yourself in anything these days – it is not advisable. May Allah protect all who protect people from miseries and disasters.
From: Friday Sermon, March 3, 2001, Sheikh Hisham Kabbani

1. Narrated from Ibn al-‘Abbas r.a. that the Prophet (s.a.w.s.)
said, “Whoever fasts the last day of Dhul Hijjah and the first day
of Muharram, he completes a whole year’s worth of fasting in that
previous year, and Allah gives him penance for fifty [50] years.”
2. Narrated from Anas (r.a.) that the Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said, “Whoever
fasts the first Friday of Muharram Allah will forgive his preceding
sins, and whoever fasts three days of Muharram – Thursday, Friday,
and Saturday, Allah will write for him worship and prayers for nine
hundred [900] years.”
3. Narrated from ‘A`ishah Umm al-Mu’minin r.a. that the Prophet
(s.a.w.s.). said, “Whoever fasts the first ten days up till ‘Ashura, he
will inherit the Paradise al-Firdaus.”
4. Fasting of ‘Ashura is Sunnah Mu`akkadah, that which is highly
desired. When the Prophet (s.a.w.s.) saw the Jews of Madinah fasting on
that day, he asked them for what it was. They told him it was the
day Musa a.s. led the Bani Isra`il from Pharaoh. The Prophet (s.a.w.s.)
said, “I have more rights with Musa than you Jews.” So he fasted
that day and ordered for its observance. This was part of a longer
narration from ‘A`ishah (r.a.)
5. The Prophet (s.a.w.s.)nsaid, “Whoever fasts the ‘Ashura (10th Muharram),
Allah will write for him a thousand wishes and a thousand
years of age, and will grant him the reward of a thousand martyrs,
and will write for him the reward of Isma`il (a.s.), and writes for
him seventy palaces in paradise, and makes his flesh forbidden
from the hellfire.”
6. In another Hadith the Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said, “Whoever fasts
the ‘Ashura, he will be granted the reward of a thousand angels. And
whoever recites “Qul Huwa Allahu Ahad” a thousand times on
the day of ‘Ashura, Allah will glance at him with the Eyes of Mercy,
and will write him from amongst the Siddiqqin [The Truthful].”
7. In another Hadith the Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said, “Distinguish
yourselves from the Jews by fasting either the day before ‘Ashura or
the day after it as well.”
8. Whoever prays in ‘Ashura four sunnah rak’at on the day
of ‘Ashura, where after the Fatihah in each rak’ah recites “Qul Huwa
Allahu Ahad” eleven times, Allah will forgive his sins of
fifty years, and will build for him a pulpit from light. And whoever
takes the sunnah shower on ‘Ashura he will not suffer sickness in
that year except the illness of death, and whoever wears the Kuhl on
his eyes on ‘Ashura he will not suffer sickness on that year.
9. Du’a of ‘Ashura: Recite “Hasbun Allahu wa ni’mal wakil, ni’mal
Maula wa ni’man Nasir” [70 x], and recite: “Hasbun Allahu mil-al
Mizan wa muntaha-l ‘ilma, wa mablaghal rida, wa zinatul ‘arsh, la
malja-a wa la manja min Allahi illa ilaihi. Subhan Allahi ‘adada-sh-
shaf`i wal ‘arshi, wa ‘adada kalimati Rabbina-t taamma! ti kulliha.
As-aluka-s Salamata bi Rahmatika Ya Arham Ar-Rahimin, wa la hawla wa
la quwwata illa billahil ‘Aliyyil ‘Azhim. Wa huwa hasbii wa ni’mal
wakil, ni’mal Mawla wa ni’man Nasir. Wa Sallallahu ‘ala Sayyidina
Muhammadin wa ‘ala alihi wa sahbihi ajma’in.” [7 x].
10. About an hour before the Adhan for Maghrib towards ‘Ashura, sit
facing the Qiblah and finish the daily Adab of Tariqah. And then
make Tawassul with Sayyidina al-Husayn and the martyrs of Karbala,
where on that day they died Shahid with Sayyidina al-Husayn and
those who were with him, may Allah’s favours be upon them. After
breaking your fast dedicate the blessings and rewards of your fast
and daily Awrad upon the Prophet (s.a.w.s.) for the oceans secrets that
lie open on the 14th of Muharram.
11. Muharram is also a month of great importance to Naqshbandi. Our
Master and Imam of the Tariqah Shah Naqshband (q.s.) was born on the
14th of this month. It is thus important and most desired that the
Ahl of the Tariqah congregate on the eve of this holy day for Khatm
and Dhikr, and read the Mawlid al-Nabi (s.a.w.s.) in dedication to
Mawlana Shah Naqshband, and also reading excerpts from his saintly
12. It is a tradition and practice of Mawlana Sultan al-Awliya’
Shaykh ‘Abdullah al-Daghistani q.s. to make Qurban of two sheep on
the day of ‘Ashura and distribute the meat to the poor and needy to
the members of the Tariqah. He also did this on the birthday of Shah
Naqshband q.s.
From: Al-Futuhat al-Haqqaniyyah by Shaykh ‘Adnan Kabbani


** Salatut Tunjina (Munajiyyah)

Allāhumma šalli ‘alā Saydina Muhammadin
šalātan tunjīnā bihā min jamī’i ’l-ahwāli wa ’l-āfāt,
wa taqdī lanā bihā jamī’i ’l-ħājāt,
wa tuţahhirunā bihā min jamī’i ’s-sayyi’āt,
wa tarfa’unā bihā ‘indaka ‘alā ’d-darajāt,
wa tuballighunā bihā aqšā ’l-ghāyāt min jamī’i ’l-khayrāti
fi ’l-ħayāt wa ba’d al-mamāt
(innaka ‘ala kulli shayin qadir).

O Allah fai discendere benedizioni sul nostro Maestro Muhammad.
Che siano benedizione che ci proteggano da ogni timore
e che ogni nostra necessità sia soddisfatta.
Che (le Tue benedizioni) ci purifichino da ogni peccato
e che ci innalzino alle stazioni più elevate.
E che esse ci permettano di raggiungere i gradi più elevati di tutto ciò che è buono
in questa vita e nella vita dopo la morte.