The essence of the Sufi Path is mainly to be willing and determined to change oneself first, in order to be able to love fully and to fully serve, the Divine will finally, the only One there is.
 To believe that the world is against you and that you have to fight it, it is a misunderstanding. The Divine has created this cosmos to serve you.
However, to experience this truth yourself, you have to enter into service.
If you just want to be served you cannot experience it. You experience then that life is against you and you have to fight for every single thing.
Once you accept that you are a servant to the divine will, you will find that life is maternal, sweet and just wants to embrace you. The more you follow the divine laws the less you will have problems in life.
Once you are in peace, life starts. Not before. Only then you finally enter life: a life full of joy after joy, bliss after bliss. You will enter states you cannot even imagine now.
How do you serve? You start from the basic things, that anyone can do: smile more, be gentle, be more friendly, use a language of love and respect in every situation. This is your first service.