Many Paths, One Self Conference

Many Paths, One Self Conference

By Pure Presence Conferences and The Teachers of God Foundation, from the 21 to 23 April.

There is a common ground of seeking and inner curiosity amongst the many traditions of the world that seems to be looking for the same thing:

The Direct Experience of Knowing One’s Self.

As the drops of rain, the waves, and the currents share the same ocean; all the many paths in some way share the presence of God’s infinite being the indivisible infinite power and presence which governs all things seen or unseen, known and unknown, called by many names and inspired in many ways. Whether you’re following a specific path or no path, this is an invitation to enter into a deep space in our hearts and consciousness to learn from and experience truth through the lens of various wisdom traditions.

Sheikh Burhanuddin and Hajja Houda, will be holding a session within the conference on the 21st of April on the topic of Knowing Thyself, the title of the session:

“To Become a Zero, the Path of the Middle.”

About This Session: 

Friday, 21st of April,2023 at 18:00 (CET) /  12:00 (EDT)

“To Become a Zero, the Path of the Middle.”

Sufism is often described as the Path of Love, but we also call it the Path of the Middle. When we embark on such a journey, we go through an apprenticeship to understand and distinguish the influence forces that we are under, then take on a purification process of emotions and thoughts to reach a center of gravity, a balance. In this ground, the zero point is when the mind aligns with the heart, changing the lens through which we look at our existence to realize that the entire creation, the whole cosmos works in our favor.

We extend to you a warm invitation to join us in this online gathering freely offered to you at no charge as we come together with an open mind and available open heart to hear consciousness through itself at the Intersection of Awakening.

For more information about the event please visit:

To register for free, click here!


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