One of the holiest months of the Islamic calendar, Ramadan the Generous, will start today 10th March after sunset. In the old times, the beginning was decided on viewing the new moon, but nowadays the tendency is to rely on precise scientific calculations.
It is advisable to follow the starting day of your community so you can celebrate the Eid al Fitr together. The first tarawiih prayer starts the night before the first day of Ramadan.
The sunnah requires one to observe the ritual fasting of the holy month of Ramadan: it is one of the five pillars of Islam and the dervishes follow it. The invitation is to observe it, to experience it; it is not only a matter of belief, a thousand blessings will come down on the ones who keep it. Ramadan is a sweet experience, real, that may offer a taste of reality. All the Sufis follow it.
It is not just fasting from food and beverages during the day, it is also an undertaking to refrain from actions and thoughts that are not oriented toward the light. Fasting opens a thousand doors, it offers more time for themselves and the practice and allows you to spend your day as much as possible towards God. The divine rules must be taken as they are; wanting to change them to adapt them to your lifestyle, or criticize them, represents a very unwise attempt to assume the position of God.
To follow the fasting makes it possible to savor the sweetness of the brotherhood. Ramadan is the month of the jamaat, the community. Being together, and inviting each other to pray with our brothers and sisters every night is a blessing. In the East at sunset, when the time comes when we break the fasting, people prepare along the road huge tables to which invites, almost dragging the passersby. The presence of many guests for dinner is a celebration and a blessing during that month of commitment and concentration. Even just cooking for those who are fasting, brings great spiritual benefits. When Ramadan ends it is always sad. During this month, the blessings are infinitely superior to its hardness.
The inhabitants of Heaven do not eat, they do not need it there. They feed themselves with the divine light only. With our fasting, we imitate that position during the hours of light. You will enter into contact automatically with celestial beings because you are doing the same things they do, our vibrations become familiar to them and they will be willing to approach.
It’s a spiritual position that reminds us of the substance we are made of light. The original food of the men is the Light of God reminding us of the saints of our way, and during this month we do that; we only take nourishment from light during the day, to remember, to live, to enjoy, and rejoice in this truth. This means abstaining from food, drink, smoking, and sexual intercourse during daylight hours.
In terms of soul, Ramadan is the fastest time. It is the month of decisions because everything appears brighter and simpler. Ramadan is the divine announcement that Allah wants to offer us gifts: His mercy and blessings. It is a month that puts things in order and allows big openings. It is an invitation to close, for a month, during the day to the world and what it represents: food, sex, useless thoughts. It is also the month of generosity, it is mandatory to donate to those who have less than us.
In our path it is possible to fast at other times of the year: Mondays, Thursdays, the first and last day of the month as the three days near the full moon (see Article: THE FULL MOON AND THE DERVISH). If we follow the complete program, Allah will take good care of us completely.
The three most sacred months of the Islamic lunar year are Rajab, Shaban, and Ramadan. Rajab is the month of Allah, Shaban is the month of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, Ramadan is the month of the jamaad, the community, and we try as much as possible to stay together, break the fast together and pray tarawih, the evening prayer of Ramadan, together.
Ramadan is the month of fasting dedicated to the concentration on the divine through prayer, practice, and pure intention. We also try to ‘fast’ from evil thoughts, not meritorious actions and anger. It is said that you lose the merits of the hajj, the sacred pilgrimage if you get angry during that time.
Of course, for those who are sick or have to take medicines, it is good that they refrain from fasting if their body cannot take it, but for those who can do it, it is always possible to fast and take medicines with a small sip of water. The women during their cycle can neither pray nor fast nor touch the Quran, they will have to recover the lost days. For pregnant women, and nursing mothers it is highly dependent on their physical conditions, the best is always to ask the Sheikh case by case. Travelers are exempt from fasting, it is sunnah, but if you want to keep the fasting it is also possible. Ramadan is also strictly followed by the Muslim populations of the hottest deserts and countries of the world, and as our calendar is based on the moon, it moves backward of about ten days a year, being the lunar month of 27-30 days. So it also might happen in the full summer. With the support of the millions and millions of people who practice fasting with us, you will experience tangibly.
It’s important to have a clear intention of fasting when you start. At the time of maghrib, adhan is called (the call to prayer) you break the fast with 3 dates and then tea, water sweets, fruits, etc., you pray immediately maghrib and then you can have dinner.
During Ramadan, it is a tradition to keep the little lights lit in the evening before it is dark, they bring blessings, to give a celebration feeling, transmit joy, and attract benevolent spirits.
It is good to eat something substantial (soup is always perfect) and drink a lot before the morning prayer: it is a quick meal based on what you like and is called Suhoor, while Iftar is the breaking of the fast just after the sunset, after you hear the call to the prayer and before to perform the evening prayer maghrib.
Iftar is a time of happiness and refreshment after experiencing hunger pangs and thirst. It is usually broken with dates and, in many cultures, a light soup with bread or small side dishes. Breaking the fast is followed immediately by the evening prayer. In many parts of the world, breaking fast is observed in congregations in mosques and homes.
The Prophetic etiquette of breaking fast: three “rutabs” (moist dates), or else “tamr” (dry dates), or else water, mentioning Allah, using the right hand, stating the Du`a that fasting was for Allah and breakfast with his “rizq” (provision), and asking Allah aid in fasting, night-prayer, lowering the eyes, and guarding the tongue in Ramadan.
The following two du`as (invocation) should be recited after breaking the fast:
Allahumma laka sumtu wa `alaa rizqika aftartu
O Allah! For You have I fasted and upon Your sustenance have I broken my fast. [Abu Dawud]
Dhahab az zamaa’u wab tallatil urooqu wa thabat al-ajru Insha-Allah
The thirst has vanished, the veins have been wetted and the reward is established – Insha-Allah. [Abu Dawud]
The Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, strongly recommended to observe these practices during Ramadan:
1 . Make a light meal before dawn (Suhoor).
2 . Break the fast at sunset with iftar: traditionally three dates and some water just after sunset.
3 . Make light meals as much as possible, because, as the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, says the worst thing a man can do is to fill his stomach;
4 . Recite the Tarawih (*) prayer every night;
5 . Visit the brothers and the sisters, intensify the practices of solidarity;
6 . Increase the study and recitation of the Qur’an;
7 . Exert the utmost in patience and humility;
8 . Be cautious in using the senses, the mind, and, above all, the tongue; abstain from idle chatter and gossip.
The Prophet (saws) said: “Whosoever fasts experiences two joys. He is joyful when he breaks his fast and joyful because of fasting when he meets his Lord.” [Sahih Muslim]
“When evening approaches from this side (east) and the day retreats from this side (west) and the sun has set, the one who is fasting breaks his fast.” [Bukhari and Muslim]
“Break your fast with a date or water because it is pure.” [Abu Dawud and Tirmidhi]
The Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, said: “My nation will remain in goodness as long as they break the fast as soon as it is due.” [Muslim]
It is offensive and unhealthy to stuff the stomach with food after fasting. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Enough for a human being to have luqaymat (=from 3 to 9 mouthfuls) that prop up his spine and, if he must have more [in his stomach], then one-third of food, one-third of water, and one-third of air.”
Out of respect for the mosques and those who attend them among people, jinn, and angels foods that cause bad breath (such as garlic and onions), belching, and gas should not be consumed.
(*) During Ramadan, we recite the prayer of Tarawih every night, along with Isha, the evening prayer. It is a 20 rakats prayer (or 8 if you travel), carried out in a particular way. it is recommended to pray tarawih in the community or at the mosque.
You also should recite all the holy Quran or at least one-third. If you go to the mosque for Tarawih prayers you can listen to more or less long recitations of the Quran.
If you cannot really fast but still want to be part of the atmosphere of Ramadan in some way, you can remember in your prayers and support those who are fasting or cooking for them. This gives great merits.
Traditionally, the first ten days of the holy month of Ramadan is a time of mercy (Rahma), the second decade of forgiveness (maghfirah) and purification in which it is good to recite many Salawat, the praises of the Prophet (s.a.w.s.), and the third decade is a period of perfection dedicated to retreat, ‘the freedom from hell fire (‘itqun mina an-nar).
Of course, the ideal in the latter period would be to stay at home, in a sort of retreat (i’tikaf), speak as little as possible, refrain from unnecessary thoughts, and focus on the prayers at least five times a day. Those who can not afford this ideal condition, may continue their everyday life and close the door to chatting, especially speaking and acting bad about others. It’s always good to make clear the intention to keep oneself pure from all this before starting.
Laylatul Qadr
Laylatul Qadr, the most important night of the Islamic calendar, the Night of Power (the night of honor and nobility, predestination, closeness) of spiritual bliss, the powerful all-night vigil that is worth a thousand months of prayers in which countless angels descend upon us not to leave the smallest space uncovered on earth. It’s the most powerful night of the year when Allah commands the angels to write our fate for the coming year, it is the night of forgiveness and blessings, and it’s secret, you have to feel it when it comes. Even the master can not reveal when it is.
The official night celebrated is the 27th night of Ramadan, but the real one can be one of the odd nights of the last ten days, so the 21st, 23rd, 25th, 27th, and 29th nights. It’s up to us to feel the right one, but it is usually so powerful that it is hard to miss. One sign is that you feel unbelievably tired.
It was the night the holy Qur’an was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him. It is a night of prayer, recitation, and listening to the Qur’an, of connection. These are the directions valid in general for all: to perform the prayers, as you know them, and try to stay as much as possible in sajda (prostration) asking forgiveness.
You can pray from 20 to 100 rakat, do the dhikr, recite the 99 Names, and do anything else you feel may connect you, even looking at a picture of our master can help establish the connection.
It is said that the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him when asked about what prayer to recite on this sacred night, said:
“Allahumma innaka afuwwun Karimun tuhib – bul af -wa – afu anni”
(O Allah, You are the One who grants forgiveness from sins and loves to forgive. Please forgive me)
To recite Astaghfar as much as possible:
“Astaghfirullah hallazi la-ila-ha illa huwal Hayyul Qayyumu wa atu-bu ilaihi “
( I seek forgiveness from Allah, the Almighty, there is no God except Him, the Existing One and the Eternal, to Him I shall return)
Ramadan is also the month of generosity, and we should give zakat, the offering, one of the five pillars of Islam together with fasting, the sacred pilgrimage, the prayers, and the testimony of faith. Zakat is the fortieth part of the surplus of what you need to live for a year and is what you must give. Everyone should do it. Then there is instead Zakat ul Fitr which is mandatory for everyone even if you are the poorest in the world, and corresponds to the price of a kilo of wheat. Today we can simplify by donating 20 euros according to your possibilities, which should be given on behalf of every family member. You can donate the money to whoever you want, usually a needy family you know, or to concentrate them on a project.
Eid al Fitr
It is the celebration for the last day of Ramadan in which you cannot fast. It is good to observe the day with your local community. On the day of Eid, try not to eat before the prayer. You try to be generous with those who need it (Zakat) and perform a special prayer that you can follow in the nearest mosque in the morning at different times, usually 8:30, 10:30, or 11:30.
It’s the most important celebration of the year. Traditionally you wear nice and fresh clothes, the men wear perfumes, and if possible it is celebrated in the community, and then the lunch is with the brothers and sisters exchanging small gifts.
After breaking the fast on Eid day, you may fast for the next six days. It is sunnah, a habit of the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him. Of course, the following six days of fasting will not be easy but it is an act of love, it will be sweet.
Traditionally, they sacrifice a sheep or lamb, or you may contribute money to have them do it for you and share some meat with the poor. It is recommended to arrive on time to the mosque and walk back home in a different way than the one made coming. It is necessary to do the ablution before prayer. It is nice to pray Eid outside the mosque, on the carpets arranged for that purpose.
If you missed some days, you should recover the missed days right after. There is time until next Ramadan.
Have a blessed and fulfilling Ramadan, Ramadan Mubarak, and Ramadan Kareem.