They we so engrossed in their conversation that it was only late at night that they realized that all they had with them was a piece of bread. They decided not to discuss who deserved to eat it; since they were pious men, they left the decision in the hands of God. They prayed that, during the night, they will be shown who should receive the bread.
The following morning, the three men rose together at sunrise. “This is my dream”, said the first scholar. “I was taken to places I had never visited before, and enjoyed the sort of peace and harmony I have sought in vain during my entire life on earth. In the midst of this paradise, a wise man with a long beard said to me: “You are my chosen one, you never sought pleasure, always renounced all things. And, in order to prove my allegiance to you, I should like you to try a piece of bread”.
Then the dervish said: “In my dream I saw nothing, went nowhere, and found no wise men. However, at a certain hour during the night, I suddenly woke up, I was hungry and I ate the bread”.
The other two were furious: “And why didn’t you call us before making such a personal decision?”
“How could I? You were both so far away, finding masters and having such holy visions!”