We are excited to announce our next Retreat in Finland after two years of absence. Join us from Friday, 26 to Sunday, 28 April 2024 in Leppola (Lapinjärvi), a recreational center where you can enjoy the peaceful landscapes of the Finnish countryside. During the retreat, we will have the opportunity […]
– The Inner Sounds of Healing – We are happy to announce the Concert of the Dhrupad Master Singer Ustad Wasifuddin Dagar, for the first time in the Netherlands. Date: Monday 12 June 2023 Time: 20:00 Venue: Blisveld Farm, Tellingstraat 9, 6996DZ Drempt, (Netherlands) Tickets: 25,00 € at the gate […]
On Thursday 3th March or most probably the 4th, according to the spotting of the new moon, the new holy month of Shaban should start. The three most sacred months of the Islamic year are Rajab, Shaban and Ramadan. Rajab is the month of Allah, Shaban is the month of […]
The night of Saturday 27th March will be the The Night of Laylatul Bara`ah, the 14th night of the holy month of Shaban. The Night of Bara`ah (nisf Sha`ban) Another significant feature of the month of Sha`ban is that it consists of a night which is termed as “Laylatul-bara`ah” (The night of freedom […]
Dio desidera che Lo troviamo, che Lo conosciamo. Per farlo dobbiamo dimenticare noi stessi. «Se mi vuoi incontrare, chiama i Miei Nomi» ha detto. Non c’è altra possibilità. L’unica fonte di problemi, di sofferenza, di insicurezza non siamo altro che noi stessi. Una volta imboccata la direzione giusta, le cose […]