Poems Q&A What makes by Editore S|Published 18 January 2021 What makes you advance in the spiritual path it is not the amount of practice you do. It depends on how much you want to contact yourself. Sheikh Burhanuddin Herrmann From: ZIKR MARATHON (2), 17 January 2021
Published 6 February 2021 When I loose my hopes Oh Allah, when I loose my hopes and plans, help me remember that your Love for me is greater than my disappointments, […]
Published 29 April 2020 Thought of the Day: Wednesday 29th April Life is always right. So whatever happens is always good because it invites you to see. The only responsible is you, it […]
Published 17 November 2014 Like this If anyone asks you how the perfect satisfaction of all our sensual wanting will look, lift your face and say Like this. […]
Published 8 December 2014 Moonlight Moonlight floods The whole sky From horizon to horizon: How much it can fill Your room Depends On its windows. Rumi