God wants us to find Him and know Him. To do that, we must forget ourselves. “If you want to meet Me, call My Name.” He said, there is no other possibility. The only source of trouble, suffering, and insecurity, is nothing but ourselves. Once we take the right direction, things will sort out by themselves. That […]
Innercraft Podcast 🔘 THE WISDOM OF SUFISM 🔘 In this interview, Sheik Burhanuddin talks about the main goals, principles, and practices of the Sufi path, his relationship with his master, what Sufi meditation and seclusions look like, and the importance of consistent spiritual practice. He also talks about some of […]
When you start to look inside of yourself, you see your roles, your emotions, the liar, the hypocrite, the thief, the one who deceives, all the unwanted images. Usually we don’t want to look at them, but until you do not do that, you lose half of your power. You […]
What makes you advance in the spiritual path it is not the amount of practice you do. It depends on how much you want to contact yourself. Sheikh Burhanuddin Herrmann From: ZIKR MARATHON (2), 17 January 2021
To find the rhythm of the breath means to be in the moment. The moment is the gateway to the world of the soul. The mind is the surface and will always have waves. It is enough already just twenty minutes twice a day of conscious breathing and the mind will calm down.
What is a sin? There is an original sin: do not love yourself. Other sins, they are known to each one of us. You always know when we are committing a sin and when not. On the day of Judgment we will be shown moment by moment our lives and it will be ourselves to recognize what has been correct […]
First of all in our tradition we do not distinguish between the city, the desert or the jungle, the ocean, Mars or the moon or the Earth. The spiritual path must be able to adapt to any life circumstances for you. If it is too difficult to create a situation […]
The masters are not ordinary people, they come with a power in their heart and they take us because we are on their list. Every soul is entrusted to the hands of a master. Who is ready, shall hear in his own heart the echo of his call and will […]
What unites humanity? Where can it meet, in belief? Definitely not, war is made over belief. If two people have the intention of seeking the truth, they must arrive at the same point, because there is an absolute and unique truth, which is beyond all belief. It is the largest […]
Dogmas have always brought suffering and blindness because while the truth is possible to experience, the same cannot be said of a dogma. Consequently, you can not have faith in a dogma, one can only believe in it; this means that you get to defend it or to attack whosoever […]
The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “True knowledge is achieved through experience.” That’s why there are spiritual paths that have developed techniques to make possible the inner experiences, so that the truth can become ours. The difference between a mystical journey and a purely religious one […]
You cannot speak about death because it does not really exist. There is only birth. When we are born we enter the visible world, when we die we are born to the invisible world. In the passage it happens a transfer from one vibrational state to another. Who ever have the […]
In order to guide the disciple the Sheikh should know only one thing: where he is in spiritual terms. Only if it knows his position, he can lead him to his destination. If you cannot see, he may even know all the classics and the entire Koran by heart, but this will not be of any help […]
If a perfected Sheikh sees that something seriously heavy is written in the destiny of a disciple, he does not delete it but he may intervene in order to attenuate it: he affixes a sign in the spiritual world so that the student will not have a lethal accident, but he will be only slightly wounded for example. The master can not completely erase the event, because there is a limit in the influence that can be exerted on what it is written. If he would interfere in the matrix stopping completely the accident, then this would jump on someone else. This applies also in […]
Among the true masters, very precise ‘traffic rules’ are acting. When an authentic Sheikh touches you, you acquire a distinctive color. Each master has his own characteristic color: that’s how he puts his signature, and that’s how the other masters, seeing it, they know whom you belong to. If your heart has been touched, and meet another true master, he will not touch you […]
When you embark on a spiritual path, at the beginning the theology can be confusing. In truth, all the theologies are a bit crazy, because they are made by man. The word itself says it: it derives from the Greek ‘theos’ God, and ‘logos’ is speech. Therefore it is the human inquiry, the speculative knowledge about God. To try to apply the human logic to […]
The prophet Moses (peace be upon him) used to go up in the mountain to talk to Allah. One day, a man came to meet him and prayed him to ask to God to grant him a drop of the ocean of His love. Moses accepted. He went up in the mountain, he […]
The beginners always make the same mistake with Maulana: they ask what they should do in their lives. In that moment they launch a dangerous signal to a being like Maulana, perhaps because they do not know yet that he is a true master and has no scruples qualms in applying his methods of teaching. […]
One day, sooner or later, it happens to everyone to feel that behind every occurrence there is a plan, an intelligence, an evolution in action. It is unavoidable. Then we would like to know who is the director, the reason why we are here, what is the meaning of our life and all its movements. Sooner […]
How to love God? It’s simple. It happens when one who is used to rob others to improve his own condition, he decided instead to rob himself to make the others feel better. This is to love God. If you are in a situation seemingly heavy, but you know that it is a test to pass […]