Zakaat is the fortieth part of the surplus of what it takes to live for a year, and it is tradition to offer it
to help those who have less than us, to purify our possessions,
and to remind us how lucky we are to live in a country without war,
to have a roof over our head and to have enough to live and to dress honorably.

It can be donated to people or projects that are close to our hearts.
It is tradition to offer it before the month of Ramadan ends,
because in this sacred month the gates of Paradise are open
and every good deed is amplified.

Then there is Zakat ul Fitr, the offer of Ramadan, which has to be donated before Eid ul Firt,
the celebration of the end of Ramadan, and concerns also those
who cannot offer the real zakaat; it corresponds to the price of 1 kilo of wheat,
about 10 €, which has to be paid for each single member of your family.

Who likes to help Casa Rabbani, our dervish centre in Amelia,
to cover the ordinary expenses and extraordinary maintenance,
which are always many and continous,
is most welcome!

You can click the DONATE Paypal button
on the home page of the website
(Paypal holds a percentage),
or send a bank transfer directly to the account of our
no profit Association of Social Promotion: “Sufi La Via del Cuore”:

Account name: SUFI, LA VIA DEL CUORE
IBAN: IT 44 N 05704 72530 000 000 00 8704
Banca Popolare di Spoleto, Amelia (TERNI), Italy

Thank you!
May God bless you and reward you
in this life and in the hereafter


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