Beloved Prophet Muhammad, may the mercy and blessings of God be upon him, was born in Mecca, Saudi Arabia circa 570 C.E. He is an example for all of humanity. He was a remarkable man at all times. He excelled in all walks of life by being a prophet, ruler, […]
C’era una volta una coppia felice. Nella loro unione regnava l’amore, quello vero. La mattina, quando si alzavano, si baciavano la mano a vicenda. Facevano colazione insieme, si versavano il tè e si chiedevano come avessero dormito, se avessero fatto dei bei sogni. Vivevano in una bella casa con il […]
Al-Akhir The Last Exalted and Glorious He is the First (nothing is before Him) and the Last (nothing is after Him), the Most High (nothing is above Him), and the Most Near (nothing is nearer than Him), and He is the All-Knower of every thing. (57:3) This attribute of Allah […]
Love is lovely, to the Lord and to His Servants. If you do anything with Love, it should be accepted by your Lord and made tasteful for you. If you love your work it will be easy for you to do, if not it will only be a burden. Now […]
L’amore fa ogni cosa. È una strada. L’ordine Naqshbandi è una strada piena di segreti, Piena di conoscenza e di sapienza, Ma i diamanti non saranno mai gratis. I diamanti hanno un prezzo e il prezzo dei diamanti è l’Amore. Maulana Sheikh Nazim Adil al Haqqani ar Rabbani an Naqshbandi
Se ascolti con l’orecchio del cuore, se vedi con l’occhio del cuore, se parli con la lingua del cuore, ti accorgi che non c’è una seconda voce, né altre opzioni. Non sei mai indeciso. Sei come una freccia verso la verità. Sheikh Burhanuddin Herrmann
Nothing can shatter this Love. For even if you took another into your arms, the truth is, my Sweetheart, you would still be kissing me. Hafiz
A King was visiting Nasrudin’s town, and ate a meal of sheep meat in his restaurant. When the King finished the meal, he asked Nasrudin how much to pay. “Fifty dollars,” Nasrudin confidently responded. Surprised to hear such a high figure, the King said, “Wow, that is very expensive. Are […]
Definire il Sufismo a parole è come voler descrivere il miele a chi non l’ha mai assaggiato. Qualunque definizione risulterebbe parziale e inadeguata. Le parole sono limitate, mentre il Sufismo attiene all’essenza. Il Sufismo è l’anelito al Divino, alla Sua bellezza e maestosità. Questa esigenza di Dio, insita nel cuore […]
Expose yourself to your deepest fear; after that, fear has no power, and the fear of freedom shrinks and vanishes. You are free. Jim Morrison
Nella tradizione diciamo che il derviscio combatte il suo ego. Solo lo sciocco combatte l’ego degli altri.
” The only intention you should have is: I want to know myself. This is the reason why we are here. If you do not know yourself you will stay unhappy. And unhappy people are dangerous, violent, because they are blind. Only the ones who know themselves are happy. And […]
It is not important to have a title, to be this or that; Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, Brahamism, Confuzism… You can have any of these titles and still not be a blessed servant. Blessed are the ones who believe that the most important point in their life is to serve […]
The sun will stand as your best friend And whistle When you have found the courage To marry forgiveness, When you have found the courage To marry Love. Hafiz
Siamo ladri affascinanti che rubano i cuori e non falliscono mai perché siamo gli amici dell’Uno. Rumi