O people, try to learn! We all must learn more about our Lord and His most beloved servant. The human being on earth is like a star in the heavens, appearing in the heavenly Realms. No one knows the secrets of that star, we can only acknowledge the visible […]
You think you have to face many choices in your life. The real choice is to be yourself. Tiziani Terzari
What is the most selfish thing to do? To help others. The gratification, the happiness, the love coming have no comparison. That is where joy is, that is where real success is. Denzel Washington
Be a warrior, but a real warrior. A real warrior is never the one who attacks, he is the one who protects. A real warrior has no enemies. except himself. Burhanuddin Herrmann
A rain drop from the sky: if it is caught by clean hands, is pure enough for drinking. If it falls in the gutter, its value drops so much that it can’t be used even for washing your feet. If it falls on a hot surface, it will evaporate… If […]
Love is lovely, to the Lord and to His Servants. If you do anything with Love, it should be accepted by your Lord and made tasteful for you. If you love your work it will be easy for you to do, if not it will only be a burden. Now […]
Love makes everything. It is a road. The Naqshbandi order is a road full of secrets, full of knowledge and wisdom, but diamonds will never be given for free. Diamonds have a price, and the price of diamonds is love. Maulana Sheikh Nazim Adil al Haqqani ar Rabbani an Naqshbandi
We must be patient with all people because we believe that no one comes to us without our Lord’s Will. Therefore, there is no enmity in Islam and we have been ordered to do goodness. Anyone can return goodness for goodness, but only a few people can return goodness for […]
You may belong to any religion, to any school of thought or to any nation, but you must follow Truth. You must accept truth. You must try to learn about Truth. You must try to know what Truth is. Try to find out how Truth comes from Heavens to mankind. […]
Everyone has so many mistakes. Some people hold grudge for a long time, for years, never forgetting. And it is not good. Don’t keep bad memories! What happened, after two hours don’t mention it anymore, because it creates bad feelings. It is fitna. It is making the face ugly. He […]
“People on the night of Laylatul Qadr are going to be on several different levels. No doubt we are on the lowest level, so we are hoping in this night to attain the honour and illumination granted in it. When wereach a higher level and as it is a holy night […]
“Anytime you loose control over yourself, or you are in a difficult situation, you can be in contact with my heart immediately. If you just think about me there will be a relationship with me, and I will look at you. That connection will cause a power to run quickly […]
You may belong to any religion, to any school of thought or to any nation, but you must follow Truth. You must accept truth. You must try to learn about Truth. You must try to know what Truth is. Try to find out how Truth comes from Heavens to mankind. […]
“I am speaking of a tale from our Grandsheikh Abdullah concerning this dunya and its value in front of Awliya, saints. The story happened in the time of Abdul Qadir Jilani, a great saint from a royal family. Once a learned man intended to visit him, and traveled from Baghdad with two silver […]
All praises belong to the One Who supports the True Ones. One of the greatest attributes of Allah the Almighty is that He only supports trustworthy and true ones. You must know, that if you obey Allah in your actions, He will support you. So many people come to me […]
“Shah Naqshband, the most important pillar of the Naqshbandi Tariqah, used always to say: “The essence of our Tariqah is to be found in gathering in the company of the Sheikh or of fellow aspirants. Such meetings generate pure goodness”. This kind of gathering is referred to as “Sohbet”, and […]
There are many different ways to make people reach Heavens. It is according to the different capacities, abilities and characteristics of people. We use methods depending on the understandings of people and their beliefs, also according to their willpower. What is most important is the will of the one who […]
We must be sincere believers. As servants, we must know that Allah Almighty is watching us all the time, and that He is with us, wherever we are: “Huwa maakum aina ma kuntum…” We are living through Him; how can anyone or anything exist without Him? Therefore He is always […]
We have been created from earth and we must try to be closer to earth. This will give you a good character and make you more humble. If you sit on strange chairs, you think you are important. Being close to earth gives benefit to your body. Scientists tell us […]
“If you refuse all and accept the One, You are not proud. If you accept all and refuse the One, you are proud.” “Doubt comes from pride. You doubt when you are not humble enough to believe”. “Pride is the greatest obstacle standing between us and our Destination.” “The […]