Divine Names Expose yourself by Editore S|Published 1 February 2016 Expose yourself to your deepest fear; after that, fear has no power, and the fear of freedom shrinks and vanishes. You are free. Jim Morrison
Published 8 April 2014 6. YA MU’MIN Al-Mu’min The Giver of Peace Exalted and Glorious But Allah has endeared the faith to you and has beautified it in your […]
Published 11 September 2014 17. YA RAZZAQ Ar-Razzaq The Provider Exalted and Glorious Verily, Allah is the All-Provider. (51:58) This name is an attribute of Allah. All actions that […]
Published 5 March 2015 42. YA KARIM Al-Karim The Generous Exalted and Glorious So Exalted be Allah The True King. La ilaha illa Huwa, none has the right to […]
Published 16 January 2016 56. YA HAMID Al-Hamid The Praiseworthy Exalted and Glorious And know that Allah is Rich, Free of all wants, and Worthy of all praise. (2:267) […]