The Dhrupad Singing

“There is a difficulty that most people have, is to accept something good, a practice that keeps the goodness, the easiness, the light inside of them.
That is the big challenge. They get so hypnotized by the darkness inside, that they forget completely about their light. For this reason, it is extremely important that you sing every morning, as we recommend it in the Uwaysi System for example.

To keep a practice that is good for you, that increases your light, is a way to learn to take care of yourself and to increase your inner joy. Singing is a must because it balances the Work.

When you are singing Dhrupad, you reach a period of time when you are out of your drama and that is very precious.
It is very hard to find a method that takes you such a long time out of yourself. I haven’t found anything like that. It is really one of the most unique methods. That’s why I strongly encourage people to follow it. There is nothing so strong that can take you very easily in higher states of consciousness.”

Sheikh Burhanuddin Herrmann, SUFI INTENSIVE, 8-9 February 2020, Amelia, Italy
Youtube: Burhanuddin Herrmann Channel, Ep. 56

If you would like to receive a recorded Dhrupad lesson, by Ustad Wasifuddin Dagar, the main living representative of this method,
please send us your request through the contact form to receive a download link with the audio file, for your daily singing practice.

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