Ash Shahid The Witness Exalted and Glorious Say: “Oh people of the Scripture! Why do you reject the ayat (signs) of Allah, while Allah is Witness to what you do?” (3:98) Whatever of good reaches you is from Allah, but whatever of evil befalls you, it is from yourself. And […]
Archivi Mensili: Aprile 2015
Nasrudin talking to a cobbler who told the following riddle: “There is a person who is my father’s son, but he is not my brother. Who is he?” After a while, Nasrudin said, “I don’t know. Who?” “Me,” the cobbler replied. Greatly amused, Nasrudin went to a group of people […]
A dhow was caught in a violent storm while crossing the Indian Ocean. Its mast broken by the fury of the elements, the rudder broken, the dhow drifted in distress. The crew implored Allah. “For our lives, my friends, let each one wish, said the captain. If Allah gives us alive, we will […]
There are many different ways to make people reach Heavens. It is according to the different capacities, abilities and characteristics of people. We use methods depending on the understandings of people and their beliefs, also according to their willpower. What is most important is the will of the one who […]
Al-Ba’ith The Awakener Exalted and Glorious And surely, the Hour is coming, there is no doubt about it; and certainly, Allah will resurrect those who are in the graves. (22:7) This name is an attribute of Allah. It means One Who Awakens. Allah has also sent messengers with glad tidings […]
Nasrudin was hanging a painting in his room. As he hammered the nail, he accidentally hit too hard, and made a big hole in his wall. He looked through it and saw goats on the other side, but did not realize that he was looking into his neighbor’s yard. Nasrudin […]
The sun will stand as your best friend And whistle When you have found the courage To marry forgiveness, When you have found the courage To marry Love. Hafiz
We must be sincere believers. As servants, we must know that Allah Almighty is watching us all the time, and that He is with us, wherever we are: “Huwa maakum aina ma kuntum…” We are living through Him; how can anyone or anything exist without Him? Therefore He is always […]
Al-Majid The Majestic Exalted and Glorious They said, “Do you wonder at the Decree of Allah? The Mercy of Allah and His Blessings be upon you, Oh the family of Ibrahim. Surely Allah is All-Praiseworthy, All-Glorious.” (11:73) Owner of the throne, the Glorious. (85:15) This name of the 99 Names […]
Cos’è il peccato? Esiste un peccato originale: non amare se stessi. Gli altri peccati, sono noti a ciascuno di noi. Lo sappiamo sempre quando stiamo commettendo un peccato e quando no. Nel giorno del Giudizio ci verrà mostrata momento per momento la nostra vita e saremo noi stessi a riconoscere cosa è stato […]
One day, a man came up Nasrudin, and they began to discuss a variety of matters, including local gossip, personal issues, their families, businesses, and philosophy topics. After about one hour, the man said, “I must go now.” “Excuse me friend,” replied Nasrudin, “but who are you?” “What do you […]
Troubled? Then stay with me, for I’m not. Lonely? A thousand naked amorous ones dwell in ancient caves Beneath my eyelids. Riches? Here’s a pick, My whole body is an emerald that begs, “Take me.” Write all that worries you on a piece of parchment; Offer it to God Even […]
A man used to call every night to God and he would pray the same prayer. Again and again he would ask, “Do one favor for me, at least one favor — and I have been asking my whole life. As far as I can see, I am the most […]
We have been created from earth and we must try to be closer to earth. This will give you a good character and make you more humble. If you sit on strange chairs, you think you are important. Being close to earth gives benefit to your body. Scientists tell us […]
Al-Wadud The Loving Exalted and Glorious Ask forgiveness of your Lord and then turn unto Him in repentance. Verily, my Lord is Most Merciful, Most Loving. (11:90) And He is Oft-Forgiving, full of love. (85:14) This name is another attribute of Allah, the One Who is loved, adored and worshipped. […]
Dio desidera che Lo troviamo, che Lo conosciamo. Per farlo dobbiamo dimenticare noi stessi. «Se mi vuoi incontrare, chiama i Miei Nomi» ha detto. Non c’è altra possibilità. L’unica fonte di problemi, di sofferenza, di insicurezza non siamo altro che noi stessi. Una volta imboccata la direzione giusta, le cose […]
Nasrudin heard a knock at his door one night. He opened the door, and the man standing there said, “Mullah, can you help a brother out and provided me with some shelter for the night. I am God’s nephew.” “Oh, is that so?” asked Nasrudin. “It surely is,” the man […]
Stay in the spiritual fire. Let it cook you. Be well-baked loaf and lord of the table. Come and be served to your brothers. You have been a source of pain. Now you`ll be the delight. You have been an unsafe house. Now you`ll be the One who sees into […]
Nel corso della loro vita da nomadi, Harith il Beduino e sua moglie Nafìsa erano soliti piantare la loro logora tenda dove potevano trovare qualche palma da dattero, qualche ramoscello secco per il loro cammello, o uno stagno di acqua salmastra. Erano anni che facevano questa vita e ogni […]
“If you refuse all and accept the One, You are not proud. If you accept all and refuse the One, you are proud.” “Doubt comes from pride. You doubt when you are not humble enough to believe”. “Pride is the greatest obstacle standing between us and our Destination.” “The […]